Thoughts on a Thursday night

I wonder if people can tell that my head is saturated with worries on how to pull through this difficult stage. I want so much to be my best but the hurdles seem too high and the bridges are embellished with cracks.

It's like training for this race doesn't count for much because I still feel like I'll... -I can't say the word- anyway. 

How does one come this far with a blindfold on, only to take it off to see nothing but the same darkness as with the blindfold? How does one with so much prospects and ambition effortlessly remain on the same spot with nothing but ideas that vanish into thin air as she zones back in?

'Do it now' was the message for today from the little book my mother gave me. Do what? I asked myself. 

Do all I can do, perhaps?


  1. Irene, You'll be ok. I often get bombarded with worries and self doubt too buh I've learnt and I'm still learning to Take each day one step at a time. I always remind myself of something I read awhile ago about trusting God in the darkness for just enough light to see where to place my next footstep and stop trying to peer too far ahead into the darkness and in so doing miss my step and fall.

    Love your blog. It's relateable :)!



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Who am I?

I'm Irene, Ifemelu is my native name. Sometimes, I like to talk,about things I can't say to certain people, because people judge and jump to conclusions way too quickly, that is when I come here. I love reading,so drop your links and expect to find me hovering around your blog when I get the chance.