So I met a guy

I don't tell romance stories often, so I am not sure where to start.

I'll start from the beginning.

I went for an interview, someone was looking for a contributor for one website and I was recommended by someone I had previously worked for. I arrived early, which is unlike me, so I had to wait for my interviewer to arrive too.

He got there, we went into the conference room, discussed, I answered all his question with enthusiasm, he liked my work and commended me and in my head, I had gotten the job. I could smell my letter of resumption like freshly baked bread.

Anyways, he asked for another meeting, mentioning that he had a proposal he would like to discuss.

He picked the venue, a restaurant in the middle of the mainland. Me, I thought it was weird that someone would pick a restaurant for a business meeting, but oh well, anyhow.

By the end of the evening, I discovered he hadn't come there for business at all. He said he thought I was interesting and asked me a bunch of basic questions after that; family and blah and blah. I hate questions, so imagine my demise. Plus idiotical me, actually believed we were coming for business talk. How stupid.

Let me tell you why I was so upset.

  1. I'm not the sucker for love, desperate for a man, dreamy type of girl. I'm uptight, straight forward, independent and hard to impress. 
  2. I haven't dated a guy in the last four years, and it's not because there aren't guys out there. I just hadn't encountered one that struck me as different. They all said the same thing, used the same lines that at some point it used to feel like I had a particular track on replay.
  3. So with 1 and 2 combined, I felt scammed, because I had wasted time, thinking he had something important to offer.
After that day, he asked for more 'dates', I accepted when I could and before I knew it he was professing his feelings for me, which was always awkward because I really don't like attention and being in the spotlight makes me uncomfortable.

Wrapping up, in the middle of my default defense mode, I found myself thinking about him often, wanting him to call, if a relationship would work, and a whole more.

This is the closest a guy has ever come in years and I feel the need to explore where it would lead. 

By defense mechanism, I want to think there's some type of get-this-girl-because-its-a-challenge strategy behind all he says and does but what is life without risks?

So maybe, just maybe I'll give this a chance. See where and how it goes.

I'm all giggly now and I really hope he can kiss, Lol.


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Who am I?

I'm Irene, Ifemelu is my native name. Sometimes, I like to talk,about things I can't say to certain people, because people judge and jump to conclusions way too quickly, that is when I come here. I love reading,so drop your links and expect to find me hovering around your blog when I get the chance.