I wish they would stop apologizing

I wish she would stop apologizing,
For the food not being sweet
For the water not being cold
For the room being too small.

I wish he would stop apologizing,
For not being good enough
For having little to offer
For not being that rich.

I wish you would stop apologizing,
For living the way you do
For making do with what you can't change
For being who you are.

I wish we would all stop apologizing,
for things that don't count as offenses,
just because we think we have less than what the other expects.

I slept at a friend's house yesterday,and half the time, his Mom kept telling me sorry for every single thing  "Ah, sorry oh, I know the food is not that sweet, just manage."..."I know you are a big girl, but this is where I manage with my children, sorry". My response was always "No ma, it's fine". 

It's something I've been used to, people apologizing, mostly for living below average. They would apologize, for not having electricity - when we all know that it's a national problem. They would apologize for their house not having enough furniture - When we know the fees government pays teachers is barely substantial. They would apologize for not having meat in the soup -when we know they would be better off investing money in more soup than wasting it on meat.

I used to apologize too, when things were bleak and all my friends seemed to live on the more exquisite side of life, and when I'm caught off guard, I still do, sometimes. But then I realized, it's pointless because once you accept that you are the way you are, everyone else would too. 

"You're in control of your image", never forget that. 


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I'm Irene, Ifemelu is my native name. Sometimes, I like to talk,about things I can't say to certain people, because people judge and jump to conclusions way too quickly, that is when I come here. I love reading,so drop your links and expect to find me hovering around your blog when I get the chance.